Andrew Garfield Has the Right Approach to Hair Product 

And more from the week in celebrity grooming. 
Image may contain Sunglasses Accessories Accessory Andrew Garfield Clothing Apparel Human Person and Sleeve
Andrew Garfield in Los Angeles. RB/Bauer-Griffin



Andrew Garfield 

A perfect example of how you can use a little pomade to slick your hair back without going full-on greaser or mafioso. 


Jose Perez/Bauer-Griffin

Thomas Doherty 

Of course, a more traditional, pompadour-adjacent slicked-back look also works great. 


Kevin Mazur

Paul Thomas Anderson 

This grizzled auteur look deserves an award, too. 


James Devaney

Will Smith  

A grown-man goatee compliments this very grown-up fit. 


Gilbert Carrasquillo

Tony Shalhoub 

Mustache excellence! 


Garrett Ellwood

Aaron Gordon

Nothing goes with tie-dye like a really big afro.